Mount Si climb

A great thing about living in Seattle is how easy it is to leave the city behind and be surrounded by mountains or water. On Saturday, JP and I went over to Sahib’s house in North Bend. It is very near Mount Si, one of the best known hikes in the area. Mt Si is a continuous ascent for 4 miles, and the trail is wide (for a mountain trail) and in good state.
We were surrounded almost all the way by very impressive trees.

About Jaime Silvela

My favorite chemical element is Potassium.
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1 Response to Mount Si climb

  1. viejecita says:

    Me han gustado mucho las fotos. Sobre todo la que sales tu, claro, y la que, desde arriba se mira hacia abajo. ¡Que vértigo! (esa no la has puesto aquí, sino en el álbum; no quiero que nadie diga que me invento fotos inexistentes)

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